Trasporto di tutti i tipi di rifiuti…
Scarico dei rifiuti presso l’impianto…
Smaltimento dei rifiuti solidi urbani…
La gestione operativa dell’impianto…
Manutenzione periodica dell’impianto…
Riordino della disciplina riguardante gli obblighi…
Through every experience I had, I learned many crucial lessons I want to pass on: that new ideas are the cornerstones of the future, that investing in people is good for the bottom line, and that finding common ground is how you get things done.
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Subscribe Now!Many hard-working Americans have been left behind by the very institutions designed to help them. We can do better for every citizen. We can lift us all up.
Elections Start Time:
All EventsThis party and its main representative gained my trust because he is pragmatic, a problem solver, has plans for the future and knows how to set the right direction for the country's development. He knows how to get things done for the better future.
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